This photo storyboard was inspired by a scene in Sean Penn's film, "Into the Wild (2007)". It is about the spirit of a man being redeemed from Nature.
這個照片分鏡表的靈感是來自Sean Penn的電影「阿拉斯加之死」的一幕,那一幕是關於大自然救贖了一個男人的心靈。

A scene in Sean Penn’s film, “Into the Wild (2007)”, has inspired me. When the protagonist is walking in Los Angeles watching the hustles and bustles of the city, the contrast between colourful surroundings and his distressing face stands out. The scene resonates with me when pondering the problem modern people may meet: feeling depressed and disoriented without reasons. Moreover, the rotational and unstable POV shot improves the feeling and allows the audience to understand his perspective of the surroundings.
Later, he leaves the city and climbs up the mountain peak. The grandeur of nature gives him peace and release from his constrained life. The mood is demonstrated by wide shot and surrounding camera movement, allowing the audience to see how small human is to the world.
In my storyboard, I tried to rebuild the atmosphere, from disorientation to rebirth. It focuses on a woman bothered by her unpleasant life, from which she attempts to escape. Perplexed and frustrated, she decides to leave everything behind. After a long night walk, she reaches a highland. The air is refreshing. The sun rises slowly. At the moment, she finds peace.